Pediatric Food Allergy

Blood collection sample method

Mobile phlebotomist collection method


Our At-Home Pediatric Food Allergy Test is specifically designed to detect common food allergies that can lead to inflammation in children, even when these allergies may not affect adults. This comprehensive test provides crucial insights to help identify and manage food allergies in pediatric patients effectively.

About the Test

Who should take this test and what is it for?

The Pediatric Food Allergy Test is ideal for children experiencing unexplained allergic reactions, where the specific food triggers and the severity of the allergies are unknown. This comprehensive panel helps identify the culprit foods and assess the severity of the allergies, providing valuable information for effective management and ensuring the child's well-being.

Why does this test require a mobile phlebotomist?

Related symptoms

If your child is experiencing symptoms such as swelling, inflammation, or nausea after consuming certain foods, it may indicate an underlying food allergy. Taking the Pediatric Food Allergy Test can help identify the specific allergens causing these reactions, enabling appropriate dietary adjustments and avoiding potential allergic triggers.

What's included in the testing kit?

The testing kit includes a convenient collection device for easy sample collection, detailed instructions to guide you through the process, and a shipping label to ensure a hassle-free return of your samples for analysis.

What's included in the testing kit?

nBOS d 4 Alpha-lactabulmin nBOS d 5 Beta-lactoglobulin
nBOS 8 Casein
nBOS d 6 BSA nGal d 2 Ovalbumin nGal d 1 Ovomucoid
nGal d 3 Conalbumin
nGal d 4 Lysozyme
Egg white
Cow's milk
Egg yolk

Cashew Nut
Wheat flour
Maize Flour

Trusted Acurracy. Private Results.

Certified Labs

Physician Reviewed Results

Secure Data

What to Expect in Your Results.

Prepare for an all-inclusive metabolic panel that evaluates vital components, providing valuable insights into your metabolism, liver, and kidney function. Additionally, undergo a crucial blood test that plays a pivotal role in illness detection and overall health assessment.

From Lab to Results Process.

Once the lab receives your sample, you’ll receive your results online within 5 business days. Before your results are released, a physician – from a partner physician network that specializes in lab testing follow-ups – will review your results.